Binge Series

Planet Earth II

David Attenborough presents an immersive exploration into the world's jungles, mountains, deserts, islands, grasslands and cities. Encounter amazing animals and witness the ways they meet the challenges of surviving in Earth's great wildernesses.

S1, E1


From colonies of millions of penguins to the giant dragons of Komodo, islands offer a refuge for many of the planet's strangest and rarest creatures. But life on these remote lands is full of unexpected challenges.

S1, E2


The high peaks of the world are spectacular but hostile places. From extreme mountain climbing ibex to elusive snow leopards that must battle to win a mate, only the toughest animals can survive a life in the mountains.

S1, E3


Jungles are mysterious worlds of drama and surprise. Experience life in the most competitive place on earth- where Jaguars hunt huge caiman, strange dolphins swim through the tree tops and ninja frogs protect their babies from deadly wasps.

S1, E4


From lions that hunt huge giraffes to vast swarms of locust that devour everything in their path; the brutal extremes of deserts have given rise to the most extraordinary examples of animal survival on Earth.

S1, E5


The world's grasslands are home to the most dramatic and surprising wildlife scenes on Earth. Witness epic battles between lions and buffalo, follow wolves chasing caribou across the tundra and meet the bizarre looking Saiga antelope.

S1, E6


From leopards that prowl the streets of Mumbai to Peregrine falcons that hunt over the New York skyline, the city may seem an unlikely place for animals to thrive, but for the bold this is a world of surprising opportunity.