Casting News: Karen Gillan to Star in Assassin Action Flick 'Gunpowder Milkshake'

Doctor Who alum Karen Gillan is just coming off writing, directing and starring in the melodramatic Scottish-based film The Party's Just Beginning, in theaters now. She's taking the lead once again, set to star in the forthcoming action flick Gunpowder Milkshake.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the screenplay has been written, but the details are sparse. Early reports are saying the story revolves around an assassin and it's predicted to be a primarily female-cast, with Gillan being the "cornerstone."

We might be a little partial, but it appears the female killer-for-hire is "in" these days.

Creative partners, Aharon Keshales and Navot Papushado (Big Bad Wolves), have written and are directing the movie. Ehud Lavski, who is new to moviemaking, also worked with the duo on the script.

Here's a peek at the trailer for Keshales and Papushado's breakout project, the Israeli film Big Bad Wolves. It's a very intense, "bad cop, bad cop" revenge story:

The above clip is very intense, to say the least. There's no promise Gunpowder Milkshake will be anything like it... but, if it is... whoa.

Gillan has four films lined up for 2019, including Avengers: Endgame, Spies in Disguise, Call of the Wild, and the untitled Jumanji sequel.

If scheduling keeps on track, Gunpowder Milkshake is said to begin production this spring in Berlin, Germany.

In the meantime, can we just leave you on this note? BBC One has put together a mashup of Luther's Alice and Killing Eve's Villanelle living together as roommates:

Is Karen Gillan going to make a good addition to this killer squad?