Casting News: Oscar Isaac to Portray Francis Ford Coppola in 'Francis and The Godfather' Biopic

Have you ever wondered about the making of The Godfather? Well, you're about to find out...

Writer-director Barry Levinson (Rain Man) is making a biopic about filmmaker Francis Ford Coppola and what it took for him to get The Godfather to screen. We can look for Oscar Isaac (Star Wars) to take on the role of Coppola, 31-years-old at the time, in the forthcoming Francis and The Godfather, reports Empire Online. 

Coppola wrote and directed the 1972 mobster film, which is also a family drama. But, getting his ideas greenlit seemed like a feat in itself. He had to work with, and work around, Paramount studio executive Robert Evans, who will be played by Jake Gyllenhaal.

It wasn't just Hollywood that was making demands, but the mob was putting pressure on to halt production. They weren't so keen on their "trade secrets" being put out there for all to know.

Al Ruddy, a producer on the movie, was receiving threats in the form of vandalism and harassing phone calls. Rather than cowering, he set up a meeting with mob boss, Joe Colombo, and the two came to an agreement, recounted by Mental Floss. Colombo was okay with the story being told, as long as there was no mention of "mafia" or "la cosa nostra" in the script. And that the profit from the movie's premiere was donated to the Italian-American Civil Rights League.

The first two terms were met. But, the third didn't happen.

At the time of the premiere, Ruddy is known to have said, "Without the mafia’s help, it would’ve been impossible to make the picture." While the statement is true, it's pretty bold, considering who it's directed at.

Even so, it seems the movie was made without anyone getting hurt.

And, this next film won't hurt anyone's feelings, with Coppola giving his blessing, saying in a statement, "Any movie that Barry Levinson makes about anything, will be interesting and worthwhile."

In addition to directing, Levinson reworked a script by Andrew Farotte, which originally appeared on the 2015 Black List. 

If you weren't thinking about the making of The Godfather — are you now?