Colin Firth Isn't So Keen on His Role in 'Pride and Prejudice' Miniseries
Colin Firth is definitely a household name at this point. And one of his most memorable roles, or actually scenes, is from the TV adaptation of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. You know what we're talking about. If not, here's a peek:
But, apparently Firth wasn't so into it. In an interview with Good Housekeeping, he said, "This was a great role and it was a major event in my career, certainly. But I don't think it was all that helpful, because it tended to create this image that can restrict what kind of roles you are going to be able to find," reported by U.K.'s The Times.
The roles that followed weren't anything to sneeze at, including performances in the major films Shakespeare in Love, Bridget Jones's Diary and The King's Speech, which he won an Oscar for in 2011.
He elaborated on what bothered him about the role, saying, "Looking good and strutting around is very boring. I wanted to do other things as an actor."
We get what he's saying, but at the same time he did have control over how he presented himself in auditions.
He credits 2009's A Single Man with his making a shift, saying, "This role probably did the most to change the perception of me. I was playing an older, sadder kind of figure and suddenly you're seen in a different way."
If it's been a minute, here's a look back at the trailer:
This interview is making the rounds on the ol' internet. While he sounds a little begrudging, we will give him the benefit of the doubt. In the meantime, let's go back to this oldie but goodie Anglo post about 10 reasons we love this man.
We like you Colin, just the way you are. Is Mr. Firth on your watch list?