‘Doctor Who’s Day Roundup: Behold The Scronch
Welcome to this week’s Doctor Who’s Day roundup, a cosmic bucketful of astonishing fan creativity (this week there are a LOT of cartoons) from the past seven days on the internet and social media.
We begin with a fan phenomenon revolving around the Thirteenth Doctor that, frankly, we had no idea existed until a few days ago, but which has been a source of total delight.
It all started with the following tweet, devoted to Jodie Whittaker’s flexible face:
And then as if by magic, scronch memes suddenly swam into focus:
Then we discovered there are cosplayers doing the Thirteen scronch:
Some serious comparison between Doctor for most scronchable face:
And even a dedicated Twitter feed devoted to Thirteen’s scronch.
And would you be surprised if we said there is fan art?
And look, a couple of years ago someone even made this scronch counter, just from one Season with Thirteen:
Hats off and scronchy faces to everyone!
And here’s what else has been going on in space and time this week...
• Billie Piper was on the legendary BBC Radio 4 show Desert Island Discs, talking about her life, and her time on Doctor Who:
• Remember Will the Doctor mosaic man from a couple of weeks ago? He’s completed his Thirteenth Doctor mosaic (sadly no scronching), and the War Doctor is next:
• Don’t spend too long looking at the vortex, it’ll make your eyes go squiffy:
• For reasons that defy explanation, here’s every Doctor Who introduction playing at once:
• And here are all of the Doctor’s pre-fam companions playing at once:
• And for that matter, every Cyberman playing at once:
• A Rose and a Rose and a Rose:
• Big Finish are celebrating a milestone. Not only have they managed to create and release a new Doctor Who – The Monthly Adventures story 12 times a year since July 1999 (275 episodes up to March of this year), their efforts have even been recognized by Guinness World Records:
• And look! There’s even fan art for this achievement, which is good going for audio adventures:
• A wonderful portrait of the Doctor, sans scronch:
• Look, this is really old, but it’s really, really good and we haven’t applauded it before. Let’s applaud it now, particularly, “Has the TARDIS Always Been This Cold?”
• Now idea why Twelve is an imp but we are 100% on board:
• For an extra kick in the feels, the caption on this reads “Her necklace says 'beloved' in Gallifreyan”:
• The cartoon A-Z of Doctor Who creatures continues from @IanCartoons, starting with these two from “The Talons of Weng Chiang”:
• The Sixth Doctor met this Queen in “The Mysterious Planet”:
• These guys met the First Doctor in “The Dalek Invasion of Earth”:
• Some familiar prehistoric lizard people of the land and sea:
• Ah! Bat-bear-boars that battled the newly-regenerated Seventh Doctor in “Time and the Rani”:
• Those mock-humble hands were last seen facing the Fourth Doctor in “The Sun Makers”:
• Note: NOT Vogons, those are from The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. These are the guys in “Revenge of the Cybermen”:
• A dark day for humanity, but hey, at least we met Missy!
• And this Cyberman is FABULOUS:
• And to round things off after a bumper week, let’s do what we like to do best; enjoy a reimagined version of the Doctor Who theme, this time a fiery mix of synth and guitar, from YouTuber Jez Hewitt: