Eddie Izzard Announces She Is Now Using a Second, Alternative Name

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Eddie Izzard has said that from now on, she intends to alternate between two different names. In addition to going by Eddie, the name she has used since birth, she will now be known as Suzy.

"I'm Eddie. There's another name I’m going to add in as well, which is Suzy, which is what I wanted to be since I was 10," the actor, comedian, and activist said on Matt Forde's podcast The Political Party.

"I'm going to be Suzy Eddie Izzard," she added, before confirming that she is happy to be addressed by either name. "That's how I’m going to roll, so people can choose what they want," she said. "They can't make a mistake. They can't go wrong."

Izzard has used feminine pronouns publicly since 2020, when she requested them during an appearance on the British TV show Portrait Artist of the Year. "This is the first program [where] I've asked if I can be 'she' and 'her' – this is a little transition period," she said at the time.

Izzard has since re-iterated the fact that, despite using various terms to describe herself in the past, she firmly identifies as transgender. "I didn’t see it as a huge change, calling myself transgender after calling myself transvestite," she told the Daily Beast in January. "'Trans' is the thing. Being transgender is the overall grouping, and from very early on I realized that was the grouping I was in."

You can read our recent British Icon feature celebrating Izzard's career here

Do you have a favorite Eddie Izzard acting role or comedy bit?