Henry Cavill Reveals Plans to Return as Superman
(Photo: Getty Image)
What’s Henry Cavill been up to? Oh, this. He’s turned to Instagram to share an update on once again playing the Man of Steel, aka Superman.
He kicks off the update with a caption, which reads: “A very small taste of what’s to come, my friends. The dawn of hope renewed. Thank you for your patience, it will be rewarded.”
His DIY video shows him in character and then as himself, addressing viewers, saying, “Hey everyone. I wanted to wait until the weekend was over, before posting this… because I wanted to give you all a chance to watch Black Adam. But now that plenty of you have – I wanted to make it official – that I am back as Superman. The image you see on this post and what you saw in Black Adam, are just a very small taste of things to come.”
Cavill ends the clip by thanking viewers and fans, saying, “Thank you for your support and thank you for your patience. I promise it will be rewarded.”
You can take a peek at the video for yourself over at Instagram.

Well, he knows how to make an announcement and how to deliver a thank you speech.
If the DC Comics movie Black Adam is new to you, here’s a peek at the trailer:
We first saw Cavill in the iconic role in 2013’s Man of Steel. It’s not clear if there will be a sequel or if he will turn up in a different franchise, but if he sticks to his promise, it will be good.
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