Mads Mikkelsen Shares Forthright Views on Method Acting: 'It's Pretentious'

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Mads Mikkelsen has shared some straight-shooting views on actors who "go method" by staying in character even when the camera stops rolling.
"It's bulls**t," the Fantastic Beasts star told GQ, adding that some actors can take preparation for a role "into insanity."
"What if it's a s**t film – what do you think you achieved?" Mikkelsen continued. "Am I impressed that you didn’t drop character? You should have dropped it from the beginning! How do you prepare for a serial killer? You gonna spend two years checking it out?"
Daniel Day-Lewis, the only man to have won three Best Actor awards at the Oscars, is known for his method approach involving copious amounts of preparation for each role. For his performance as a 1950s fashion designer in the 2017 movie Phanthom Thread, he is said to have spent a year learning the art of dressmaking. 
Discussing how he would go about working with a method actor like Day-Lewis, Mikkelsen said: "I would have the time of my life, just breaking down the character constantly. 'I'm having a cigarette? This is from 2020, it’s not from 1870 – can you live with it?' It's just pretentious. Daniel Day-Lewis is a great actor. But it's got nothing to do with this."
Mikkelsen also suggested that the press has placed too much focus on actors who go to extreme lengths when preparing for a role. "The media goes, 'Oh my god, he took it so seriously, therefore he must be fantastic; let’s give him an award,'" Mikkelsen said. "Then that's the talk, and everybody knows about it, and it becomes a thing."
Do you agree with Mads Mikkelsen's views on method acting?