Peter Capaldi Talks About His Villainous Role in ‘The Devil’s Hour’

(Photo: Getty Images) 
We really enjoyed Peter Capaldi as the Twelth Doctor. He’s now taking on a different role, starring in the six-part series The Devil’s Hour, executive-produced by Doctor Who alum Steven Moffat.  
The story revolves around a woman named Lucy (Jessica Raine), who wakes up at 3:33am (devil’s hour) each night to terrifying visions. From there, we’re introduced to Capaldi’s character, Gideon, who's suspected of committing a series of murders. Lucy is somehow linked to the murders and Gideon, but we don’t know how… just yet.
In a recent interview with the Radio Times, Capaldi provides some insight on Gideon, saying, "In some ways, he’s a criminal. He’s a murderer and a threat to society. So he’s a very, very smart and elusive villain that the police are pursuing (and never quite managing to catch). Until they do."
In the first look trailer, we see Gideon being interrogated by the police. During the cross-examination, he’s asked, “In this delusion of yours, are you a time traveler or a fortune teller?” Gideon provides the perfect response, “Neither. And both.”
It’s not clear if the time traveler mention is a wink at DW or pure coincidence, but with Moffat on board, it could be… neither and both.

Capaldi touches upon the perplexity of his character: "He then reveals that he’s not quite what we think he is.” This feels like one of those times that we’re actually cheering for the baddie, but that just may be because we have a soft spot for Capaldi.
You can look for The Devil’s Hour on October 28 over at Amazon Prime.
What do you think of Peter Capaldi going the villain route?